Hello. Welcome to my blog, and please close the door behind you.
That done, please make yourself comfortable on the couch and put your feet up if you'd like.
That is the extent of my conventional invitation however, and I sincerely hope that you have left any other delusions of receiving further courtesy by the doormat. I do not mean to be rude, but this is simply the way I am. I will try to blog honestly, although a few fabrications by way of enhancement cannot be avoided, and therefore will not be avoided.
This honesty may be a particular breed of pomposity from my end, as you may perceive it, but in reality, it's just a fair amount of brick hurling at people or ideas that need bricks thrown at their attics. I do not claim to be a just authority on the classification of the noodle-addled and the rest, however. So I shall back down when I am being challenged by any force with an IQ greater than that of a banana, or alternatively, with an IQ greater than mine.
Other posts shall be mere ramblings, upon (to use a cliche), nothing in particular and everything in general.
Ergo, this is not a blog that will:
a. Help you receive karmic freedom in your quest for the understanding of the Universe at large.
b. Unravel the mysteries of my twisted, and decidedly muddled, mind. Although insights will be provided. Unfortunately, you may think at this point.
c. Provide any useful information whatsoever. So close this window now, if you're trying to figure out who the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso is. Although WHY you'd want to know that, is a question that disturbs me deeply.
Now that I have outlined what this blog will not be about, I have no pretensions as to what this blog will try to achieve. Perhaps I shall try to elicit a few laughs, and entertain you, dear blog guest. But forgive me if I happen to ignore you every once in a while. This is my window by the sea, where I hope to catch a glimpse of the cloudless azure, the shimmering blue, and the pinstripes of a beach towel, even. I want to see change.
They say that change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. These words of wisdom hit me hard every time I try to cling to the old and unfamiliar. These words slap me across the face and then run away laughing. These words make sense all over again, every time I feed a bill into a vending machine, receive the required change, and walk away wishing life were that simple.
But I have gradually learnt to embrace change. I do hope that this change is for the better. My definition of change also has, well, changed. Change is the new piece of insulation tape holding my phone's keypad intact. Change is the new ten-rupee ballpoint I've bought to replace my favorite Reynolds Racer Gel. Change is this blog. My thoughts have changed, my aspirations have changed, my life has changed. This blog is the shard of mirror I'm holding up to catch the reflection.
So don your cognitive fez, and sit with me by this window if you'd like. Hello. :)
P.S. The Prime Minister of Burkina Faso? It's Teritius Zongo. I implore you. Please do not curse your child with that name.
was shocked into a stunned state! your language is awesome and the versatility is like a glorious roll of drums!!
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